Программа следит за состоянием жестких
дисков компьютера и предупреждает пользователя о негативных изменениях
параметров. Основана на технологии S.M.A.R.T., поддержка которой
встроена в практически любой современный винчестер. Приложение
считывает и обрабатывает данные S.M.A.R.T. и в случае возможных проблем
с HDD выдает рекомендации о необходимости экстренного бэкапа данных
или замены винчестера.
Hard Drive Inspector is a powerful,
convenient and effective program based on the S.M.A.R.T. technology,
which allows controlling the state of your hard disk drives Most
computer users argue that information stored on their computer is the
most valuable element of the computer system. With the help of the
S.M.A.R.T. System, Hard Drive Inspector allows you to predict a
possible failure of the HDD before this occurs. As the access to
electronic information becomes more and more vital in business and at
home, Hard Drive Inspector allows exceeding the traditional limits of
HDDs reliability, thus extending the level of valuable user data
protection. Hard Drive Inspector has a flexible option system, which
allows you to customize the functionality of this utility, according to
your needs. Hard Drive Inspector has an easy-to-use, nice-looking
interface. It also offers many useful features, which make the
S.M.A.R.T. monitoring process full-scale and easy.
2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista Languages: English,
Russian, Norwegian, Italian, German, Hebrew, French, Spanish,
Dutch-Belgium, Slovak, Arabic, Vietnamese, Ukrainian,
Portuguese-Brazil, Chinese-Taiwan, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Bulgarian,
Belorussian, Portuguese, Indonesian, Polish